1. An Incident is an occurrence by chance or due to a combination of unforeseen circumstances, which, if not handled in an appropriate manner, the situation can escalate into an emergency or disaster or crisis.

2. event or situation that can be, or could lead to, a disruption, loss, emergency or crisis .
(Source: ISO 22361:2022) 3.6
3. Situation that might be, or could lead to, a disruption, loss, emergency or crisis.
(Source : ISO 22300)
(Source: ISO 22301:2012 – Societal Security – Business Continuity Management Systems - Requirements) - clause 3.19
4. Event or situation that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected.
(Source: AE/HSC/NCEMA 7000:2021)
5. Event that might be, or could lead to, an operational interruption, disruption, loss, emergency or crisis.
(Source: ISO 22399:2007 – Societal Security - Guideline for Incident Preparedness and Operational Continuity Management) - clause 3.12

6. Situation that might be, or could lead to, a business disruption, loss, emergency or crisis.
(Source: British Standard BS25999-1:2006 Code of Practice for Business Continuity Management)
7. An event that occurs by chance or due to a combination of unforeseen circumstances, which, if not handled in an appropriate manner, can escalate into an emergency or disaster.An incident precedes an emergency or disaster.
(Source: Singapore Standard 540 - SS 540:2008)
8. Any event that may be, or may lead to, a business interruption, disruption, loss and/or crisis.
(Source: Business Continuity Institute - BCI)
9. Any event which is not part of the standard operation of a service and which causes or may cause,an interruption to,or a reduction in,the quality of that service.
(Source: OGC, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) v3)
10. An event that occurs by chance or due to a combination of unforeseen circumstances, which, if not handled properly, can escalate into an emergency or disaster.
NOTE. An incident precedes an emergency or disaster.
(Source: Malaysia BCM Standard MS1970:2007)