Part 2: Impact Area Of Business Functions v2.0

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Part 2: Impact Area Of Business Functions

Business Function and Function Code (Col 2 & 3)

Part 2: Impact Area of Business Functions

Impact Area (Col 4)

When the business function is not available, will it result in a Hard (H)/ Soft (S) impact to the organisation?

Financial Impact (Col 5 & 6)

Monetary Loss (Estimated)

Calculation of Monetary Loss (State Formula for Calculations)


  • Total ($) Impact: Calculate the total financial impact on your business unit if you did not carry out this business function for X calendar days.
  • How Impact is Quantified:
    • Describe how this figure is made up, focusing on the most significant items.
    • There could be contractual penalties, interest claims, missed business opportunities and loss of commission, expressed as a formula.
  • Quantification
    • The amount from the direct financial impact in a local currency, for a period of X days.
    • Please state time period if it is less than X days as some business functions will cease to operate within one or two days after the disaster because there are no new transactions.
  • How is the hard impact quantified?
    • Provide the workings or basis for computing the amount of loss.
    • For example, $20,000 received per day multiplied by 2% interest payment for an overdraft, multiply by X days of the outage.

Legal and Regulatory (Col 7 & 8)

Objectives (Col 7)

  • State the business objectives affected by the non-performance of the business function.

Impact (Col 8)

  • Describe the impact of not achieving business objective
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FAQ for Completion of BIAQ
