Operational Resilience Certified Planner

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Course Description: Operational Resilience | Operational Resilience Planner

OR Certification Menu | ORCP | ORCS | ORCE | ORAS | ORAE
OR Competency Level Menu | CL 1OR | CL 2OR | CL 3OR | CL 1ORA | CL 2ORA | CL 3ORA
OR-ORA Body of Knowledge Menu| OR BoK P1 | OR BoK P2 | OR BoK P3 | ORA BoK P1 | ORA BoK P2 | ORA BoK P3
OR Level of Expertise Menu | KNOW | DO | MANAGE

Certification Model OR CL


Back to: Certification Glossary

ORCP Certification
Requirements for ORCP

The Operational Resilience Certified Planner (ORCP) certification is designed to recognize individuals for their efforts to acquire essential and fundamental knowledge and skills in operational resilience. Candidates will be imparted with essential skills and knowledge of:

  • Overview of Operational Resilience
  • Update on Regulatory Positions
  • Operational Resilience Planning Methodology: Framework, Principles and Cycle
  • Types of operational disruptions
  • Critical business services
  • Impact tolerances
  • Mapping operational resilience inter-dependencies across the organization
  • Types of scenario testing

These individuals may be senior and middle management, or business executives, who are required to help their departments or business units (or sub-units) to develop OR, BC, DR, emergency response, recovery and resumption processes, procedures and/or plans. Relevant parties from Operational resilience, Operational risk, Non-financial risk, Compliance Cyber risk and resilience, IT risk and resilience, Operational Oversight and Management, and those in Crisis Management, Disaster Recovery and Security will have crossover responsibility for operational resilience. The individuals should have met and continue to meet the following requirements:


Fee Payment

Award of Electronic Certificate