BCMBoK 4: Business Continuity Strategy

From BCMpedia. A Wiki Glossary for Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Disaster Recovery (DR).
BCM Planning Methodology

Body of Knowledge Menu| BoK 1 | BoK 2 | BoK 3 | BoK 4 | BoK 5 | BoK 6 | BoK 7

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1. Business Continuity Management Body of Knowledge 4 or BCMBoK 4 provides the minimum expectation for a BCM professional in the area of Business Continuity Strategy.

  • Choose an appropriate course of action or future undertaking (business continuity (BC), crisis communication (CC), crisis management (CM) or disaster recovery (DR) strategy) to enhance the survivability of the critical business functions.
  • Identify BC, CC, CM or DR strategy solutions and requirements.
  • Determine business units, corporate-wide, IT, telecommunication recovery strategies
  • Develop cost-benefit analysis for selected strategy.
  • Select alternate sites and offsite storage.
  • Identify alternative processing procedure for continuity of critical business functions while recovery is in progress.
  • Identify and formalize backup for business and IT processes needed to survive a disaster.
  • Consolidate strategy and present a list of strategic plans for recovering prioritized business functions to executive management.

Related Terms: Business Continuity Strategy.

Developing Recovery Strategy For Your Business Continuity Plan BUY!

Body of Knowledge 4: Business Continuity Strategy Definitions[edit]

BCM Audit[edit]

CL One (1) | * CL Two (2) | * CL Three (3)

Business Continuity[edit]

CL One (1) | * CL Two (2) | * CL Three (3)

Crisis Management[edit]

CL One (1) | * CL Two (2) | * CL Three (3)

Crisis Management[edit]

CL One (1) | * CL Two (2) | * CL Three (3)

Disaster Recovery[edit]

CL One (1) | * CL Two (2) | * CL Three (3)

Revision Notes[edit]


Click BCMBok to select terminology categorised under the Audit (A) to IT DR (DR)[edit]